猿投温泉 ホテル金泉閣 Sanage Onsen Resort


住所 豊田市加納町馬道通21(愛知高原国定公園内)
ホームページ https://kinsenkaku-sanageonsen.com
交通案内 お車の場合:猿投グリーンロード「加納I.C」下車5分

癒しの宿「金泉閣」Hotel ☎Tel:0565-45-8522(10:00~17:00)
日帰り温泉岩風呂「金泉の湯」Onsen ☎Tel:0565-45-5800

★詳しくはこちら  more details ⇒ 猿投温泉ホームページ

About Sanage Onsen Resort

Sanage Onsen is home to the Japanese-style hotel, Kinsenkaku. It is located approximately a 40-minute drive from Nagoya Station in Aichi Prefecture, Japan. It is also conveniently situated about 30 minutes by car from the world-famous Ghibli Park. From Chubu International Airport, it will take you about an hour by car to reach Sanage Onsen. Using the Shinkansen bullet train, you can reach Sanage Onsen in roughly 3 hours from Tokyo and 2 hours from Osaka or Kyoto. Sanage Onsen is known for its rare and all-natural radon hot springs, which are unique even in Japan. It is believed that bathing in these hot springs promotes good health, so it attracts visitors from across the country.

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